Location: Section1: MWF 8-8:50am @ Taylor 200

Location: Section2: MWF 9-9:50am @ Taylor 200
Instructor: Dr. Thomas Montelione
Helpers: TBA
Office Hours: By appointment (MW 10:00-11:00 and by appointment outside those times; )


This schedule is subject to change. Resources correspond to activities or materials covered during class on the listed day. You are expected to read the assigned chapters and take the reading quizzes on Moodle (♢) before class. In-class activities (★) are due before the following class meeting unless otherwise stated. Homework assignments (☆) are listed on the day they are assigned.

Date Day Topic Resources Assignments
01/10 W Syllabus & Intro [syllabus]
[intro-H. Guarnera]
[book access]
Scientist Spotlight
01/12 F Install Thonny Activity 1
HW 1
01/15 M No class: MLK Teach-in day

01/17 W Variables & data types
due: scientist spotlight selection
Ada Lovelace [pptx] [ pdf]
♢ Q1: 1.1.1 - 1.5.2
Activity 2
[code notes]

01/19 F Objects and turtle module; functions
due: HW 1
♢ Q2: 1.5.3
Activity 3
[code notes]
HW 2
01/22 M More practice with functions Activity 4
[code notes]
01/24 W More practice with functions; ♢ Q3: 1.5.4
Activity 5
[code notes]
01/26 F For loop; range; draw a circle
due: HW 2
Activity 6
[code notes]
HW 3
01/29 M Approximating Pi (Archimedes); math module; accumulator; ♢ Q4: 2.1 - 2.5.1
Activity 7
01/31 W Approximating Pi (Leibniz and Wallis) ♢ Q5: 2.5.2 - 2.5.3
Activity 8
[code notes]
02/02 F Boolean expressions; logical operators; if statement
due: HW 3
♢ Q6: 2.6.1 - 2.6.3
Activity 9
[code notes]
HW 4
02/05 M Approximate Pi (Monte Carlo simulation); random module; ♢ Q7: 2.6.4 - 2.7
Activity 10
02/07 W More practice with Ch 1 & 2; Activity 11
02/09 F Exam Review
due: HW 4
Activity 12

02/12 M EXAM 1 Study Guide and Instructions
02/14 W EXAM 1
Final Project
Final Project
02/16 F Strings and chars ♢ Q8: 3.1 - 3.2
code notes
Activity 13
HW 5
02/19 M Reading keyboard input; encryption/decryption;
transposition and substitution ciphers
♢ Q9: 3.3 - 3.5
Activity 14
02/21 W Caesar cipher;
due: project proposal
♢ Q10: 3.6
♢ Q11: [Optional] 3.7
Activity 15
02/23 F Lists
due: HW 5
♢ Q12: 4.1 - 4.3
[code notes]
Activity 16
HW 6
02/26 M More practice with lists; [code notes]
Activity 17
02/28 W Dispersion; mean; median; mode; dictionaries ♢ Q13: 4.4 - 4.5
[code notes]
Activity 18
03/01 F More practice with dictionaries
due: HW6
♢ Q14: 4.6
[code notes]
Activity 19
HW 7
03/04 M Examples of GUIs & games Chapter 10 (briefly)
Activity 20
03/06 W Read from and write to files; string formatting ♢ Q15: 5.1 - 5.2
Activity 21
[code notes]
03/08 F Read from and write to files; string formatting
due: HW7
Activity 22
HW 8
03/11 M No classes - Spring Break

03/13 W No classes - Spring Break

03/15 F No classes - Spring Break

03/18 M No classes - Spring Break

03/20 W No classes - Spring Break

03/22 F No classes - Spring Break

03/25 M Final project workshop Activity 23: Workshop 1
03/27 W Reading data from internet; compute correlation; ♢ Q16: 5.3
Activity 24
03/29 F While loops and list comprehensions
due: HW 8
[code notes]
Activity 25
04/01 M Final project workshop
due: intermediate code
Activity 26: Workshop 2
04/03 W Ch 4 and 5 Review Activity 27

04/05 F RGB color model; cImage module ♢ Q17: 6.1 - 6.3.2
Activity 28
04/08 M Image Manipulation ♢ Q18: 6.3.3
Activity 29

04/10 W EXAM 2 - Part 1 Study Guide and Instructions

04/12 F EXAM 2 - Part 2
04/15 M Classes in Python Activity 30

04/17 W Final project workshop Activity 31: Workshop 3

04/19 F Classes in Python ★ Activity 32

04/22 M Final project presentations ☆ Peer Review (PER PROJECT)
04/24 W Final project presentations ☆ Peer Review (PER PROJECT)
04/26 F IS Symposium Day

04/29 M Final project presentations ☆ Peer Review (PER PROJECT)

4-9 TBA Exam Days