CS 300


Computer Graphics
Fall 2021

Midterm Exam Details

The exam will be 50 minutes long and done on paper during class. If you have approved accommodations on file, you must make sure to register at least two business days (M-F) in advance to take your exam in the Academic Resource Center or it will be assumed that you will take the exam at our usual class time and for the standard duration.


The exam will have 15 questions. Some questions have multiple formats (such as multiple choice and a short answer), but a general distribution is as follows:

Test taking environment and exam rules

Since seating in our classroom is very tight test questions will be randomized and there will be ZERO talking to avoid distracting others and to ensure the integrity of the exam process. Conversing with another student will result in the immediate submission of both student examinations and grading penalties. If you have a clarification question, you must raise your hand and I will come by to assist you.

While taking the exam, your table must be completely cleared except for your exam, one or more writing utensils, and white scratch paper provided by the professor during the exam. All devices, bags, notebooks, etc. must be put away and out of sight.

Study Guide

This is the pool of potential test questions for the exam. The context, wording, or presentation of each question may differ from the content below, but the concepts will remain the same. Each question is associated with resources to find/derive an answer to the question.

Chapter 1 - Slides

Chapter 2/3

Chapter 4 - Vector Slides / Matrices Slides





NOTE: I will use the following notation (similar to the book) to represent transformations unless explicitly stated otherwise in a question:


Chapter 5 - Viewing Slides