Activity: What else? 🤔

The exam approaches. What else would you like to have practice with? What thing in python do you struggle with the most? Pick one or more options below. We can do any of these together in class. You can also pick ANY of the previous in-class activities.

Option A: For loops are still hard.

  1. Write a for loop to compute the sum of the first 50 numbers (1+2+3+….+49+50).
  2. Write a for loop to compute n! ()
  3. Write a for loop that draws a square with a turtle.
  4. Write a for loop that prints out the numbers -10, -9, -8, …., 9, 10.
  5. Write a function multiPrint which accepts two parameters: a string and a nonnegative integer representing the number of times that the string should be printed

Option B: Turtles are still hard.

  1. Use a turtle to plot the function y = 10x + 18
  2. Use a turtle to draw a yellow triangle with a red background
  3. Use a turtle to draw a rectangle with width 300 and height 100
  4. Write a function drawTriangle that takes three parameters - two side lengths and the angle between them - and draws the triangle. Call/invoke the function to test it. Hint: you’ll need to remember the starting location. You can call goto(x,y) on a turtle to move the turtle from one location to another.

Option C: Functions are still hard.

  1. Write a function called displayStudentInfo which accepts two parameters: a string representing a student’s name and a nonnegative integer representing the student’s age. The function should print a sentence about the student. For example, displayStudentInfo("Bob", 20) would print “Bob is a 20 year old student.”
  2. Write a function toCelsius(temperature) that converts Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius degrees. (Hint: C = (F-32)*(5/9)).
  3. Write a function called isEven that takes one parameter (a nonnegative integer). The function will return the boolean value True if the given number is even, otherwise, it will return the boolean value False
  4. Write a function getGrade which accepts one parameter: a nonnegative integer score between 0 and 100. The function should return the string “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, or “F” using the standard grading scale.
  5. Write a function positivity which accepts one parameter: an integer n. The function should print either “positive number”, “zero”, or “negative number” depending on the value of n.
  6. Write a function that returns the minimum of three numbers.
  7. Write a function that uses a turtle to draw a polygon that has n sides.

Option D: If statements and booleans are still hard.

  1. Write a function that returns True if x is larger than 10 and returns False otherwise.
  2. Write a function that returns True if and only if variable x is non-negative.
  3. Write a nested if statement that uses a variable snowFall and prints out:
    • “there was a hurricane today” if snowFall is over 10
    • “there was a lot of snow” if snowFall is greater than 7 but less than 10
    • “there was some snow I guess” if snowFall is greater than 3 but less than or equal to 7, and
    • “not enough snow to matter” if snowFall is less than 3

Option E: Random things are still hard.

  1. Create a function called isItRaining which returns False with 90% probability.
  2. Create a function called magicEightBallSays which randomly prints one of the following:
    • “It is certain.”
    • “Outlook good.”
    • “Ask again later.”
    • “Better not tell you now.”
    • “Very doubtful.”
  3. Create a variable called grade which randomly has the value A,B,C,D, or F.
  4. Create a variable called coinSide which randomly has the value 0 or 1.

Option F: Approximating Pi is still hard.

  1. Revisit Archimedes approximation
  2. Revisit Leibniz approximation
  3. Revisit Wallis approximation
  4. Revisit Monte Carlo approximation

Option Z: Nothing is hard.

Cool beans. Pick one question from each section (one from A, one from B, from C, from D, and from E) and complete it independently.

How to submit

Save your work and submit it to Moodle.