Lab7 - Influence diagram in a Bayesian belief network (5pts)
In this lab you will learn to use the BBN model you built in the previouse lab to infer decisions.
Use your browser to access the Hugin
page which has many cases, demos, articles, tutorials etc. Under Tutorials, click theBuilding a BN Tutorial
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Complete the
Tutorial 2. Building a (Limited Memory) Influence Diagram
. You may use the basic BBN from last lab as a start up for this lab. -
Submit your answers to the following questions in a .txt or .docx document.
For the treatment cost of -8000, Jack should treat the apple tree if the tree loses leaves?
Experiment with different values for the cost of a treatment to estimate what treatment cost would represent the cutoff above which treatment would be worth the cost. Give the answer to this question as an interval [a,b], with |b-a| = 100.
Make sure you add the nodes in the exact order presented in the tutorial (it is very important!).
After changing costs, make sure you click the “Spu” button (Update decision policies).
For cost = -6,000 I got 12234.39 expected utility to TREAT. For cost = -7,000 I got 11514.01 expected utility NOT to TREAT.
Grading: Submit your text document at the provided link.