Lab5 - Multilayer Perceptron (or Neural Network) (10pts)
In this lab you will apply the multilayer percpeptron MLPClassifier learning model from scikit-learn to the cancer dataset. See more on this model here
Create folder Lab5NN, and inside it, download the Jupyter notebook nn_demo.ipynb
found here.
In the MG textbook read section 2.3.8 on Neural Networks – it is a very easy but useful read which is complementary to the theory we already discussed in class. Optionally, you may run the code offered there, but it is not mandatory (especially if you have trouble with the mglearn library) as the output is already included and discussed in the book.
As you read and inspect the code and pictures in the above section, answer questions in the notebook.
Grading: Submit your notebook at the provided link. Notebook must contain executed code and markdown answers to the questions.