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LEGO Scrum

The purpose of this project is to buld a city out of LEGOs.


  • The product is a City
  • The teacher is the main decision-maker of the product
  • The main building elements are LEGO blocks. But you can use any other material in addition.
  • As a Product Owner I will continuously answer questions and provide feedback.
  • Since I am a newbie Product Owner, I might make some Scrum mistakes.
  • There is no Scrum Master that can coach you during the game.


The game will take around 2 class sessions and will have the following points:

  • Information about game rules (already done)
  • Product kick-off
  • Building the Backlog (10m)
  • Estimating (10 min)
  • First Sprint (timeboxed to 15 min)
    • Sprint Planning (3 min)
    • Sprinting (7 min)
    • Sprint Reviewing (5 min)
  • Second Sprint (15 min)
    • Sprint Planning (3 min)
    • Sprinting (7 min)
    • Sprint Reviewing (5 min)
  • Third Sprint (15 min)
    • Sprint Planning (3 min)
    • Sprinting (7 min)
    • Sprint Reviewing (5 min)
  • Debrief and game retrospective (20 min)

Building the LEGO Scrum Backlog (15 min)

City buildings:

  • One storey buildings (16 of them, put each on 1 sticky note)
  • Two storey buildings (9 of them, put each on 1 sticky note)
  • Shop (4 of them, put each on 1 sticky note)
  • School (4 of them, put each on 1 sticky note)
  • Church
  • Hospital (2 of them)
  • Bus stop (8 of them)
  • Road (can be drawn)
  • Park (can be drawn)
  • River (can be drawn)
  • Bridge