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Exam 1 Topic Study Guide

Exam Format

  • 4 long answer
  • 6 short answer
  • 2 multiple choice
  • 1 fill in the blank

Topic Pool

General Process

  • The phases of software development
  • Understand the fundamentals of the “Big Bang”/Waterfall process
    • Effectiveness and limitaions
  • Understand the fundamentals of an agile process
    • Effectiveness and advantages


  • Methods to elicit requirements from customer/stakeholders
  • Developing good user story titles


  • Methods/approaches
  • Reasons/motivations for doing estimation

Project Planning

  • Establish a milestone iteration from a provided set of user stories and other relevant data. See milestone example
  • Applied decision making regarding issues that may arise


  • Understand the process
  • Pillars of scrum
  • Events
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Committments
  • Artifacts