As an instructor, I can create a description of a course so that prospective participants can learn about it.
As an instructor, I can maintain a bio about myself so that it is used on any course listing for which I’m the instructor.
As a site visitor, I can view a detailed page about each course so that I can learn all about it.
As a site visitor, I can browse a catalog of all courses available so that I can pick the right one for me.
As a site visitor, I can see a list of other related courses when viewing a course so that I can see other courses I might be interested in.
As a site visitor, I can create an account so that I can track my progress.
As a participant, I can manage my account so that it reflects my current information.
As a participant, I can view a list of all courses I’ve taken so that I have access to that historical information and don’t call someone instead.
As an instructor, I can upload videos to be part of a course so that participants can watch those videos.
As an instructor, I can create a quiz to include in a video course so that participants can take those quizzes to ensure they are learning.
As an instructor, I can properly sequence the elements of the course so that I can assemble them into an amazing course.
As an instructor, I can set the publication date for course elements (for a scheduled course) so that items become available when I want and not sooner.
As an instructor, I can add subtitles to any video so that it is more accessible.
As a participant, I want each course element (such as a video) marked as viewed after I view or complete it so that I can see which parts of a course I’ve completed.
As a participant, I can set a mode on the videos so that one begins as the previous one finishes so that I can watch without having to touch my keyboard, mouse or screen.
As a site visitor, I can read an FAQ so that all my questions are answered.
As a site visitor, I can read a privacy policy so that I know what’s private.
As a site visitor, I can sign up for a newsletter so that I get announcements about new courses and other information.
As an instructor, I can create quizzes so that participants can assess their learning.
As a participant, I can take a quiz as part of a course so that I can get feedback on how well I learned material in the previous video(s).
As a participant, I see if I pass a quiz after I finish taking it so that I can get feedback on how well I learned material in the previous video(s).
As a participant, I can see which quizzes I’ve passed, not passed, or not yet taken when viewing the course outline so that I know which quizzes I need to take or possibly re-take.
As an instructor, I want quiz responses stored so that I can see how people are doing at various questions, perhaps so I can fix one that is worded poorly.
As a participant, I want to receive feedback after each quiz question so that I can see if I got the question right or wrong.
As a participant, I can get answers via video rather than text so that I watch rather than read an answer.