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Lego Scrum Reflection

GitHub Assignment:

In at least 3-4 paragraphs, describe your experience and observations during the Lego Scrum activitiy and how you adapted your process after each sprint. Here are some prompt questions for ideas:

  • Describe your group’s interactions. What worked well/not so well in the group?
  • What would you have done differently from the beginning, if you had another chance to play the game?
  • Did you feel pressured during the LEGO scrums? How did you respond to the pressure?
  • Do you think this activity gave you some real-world exposure to the software development process? Explain.
  • How did it feel after the first sprint when almost all items required re-work?
  • How did inter-team communication go? Were there any dependencies between the teams? How were they resolved?
  • Do you feel more comfortable with the Scrum process after the activity? What did you learn from the activity?
  • What did you like about the activity? What could have been better?

NOTE: Each paragraph must contain AT LEAST 5 sentences.


You will submit your response in the provided markdown document via GitHub.

Grading - 10pts

  • 1 Point: The assignment is submitted to GitHub.
  • 4 Points: Written work is 3-4 paragraphs in length.
  • 3 Points: Quality of written response
  • 2 Points: Markdown document is formatted correctly.

Note: The “Quality” of a response is based on showing an understanding of the reading/activity and critically thinking about the implications.