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Birdy Milestone

You have a collection of user stories and estimates for the Birdy app. It’s time to start planning the first Milestone! THIS ASSIGNMENT IS DONE INDIVIDUALLY AND NOT WITH YOUR GROUP! You will all have different priorities and milestone plans.

GitHub assignment.


Oops! We are missing priorities. No worries, go to this website and use the tool to randomly generate priorities for your user stories. Simply drag the slider to match the number of user stories you have and click prioritize. You may get a notification from your browser that the form is insecure, but you can safely ignore this message. The next screen will give you priority values between 10 (highest priority) and 50 (lowest priority). Open your existing birdy markdown file and assign your user stories the priorities generated from the website in the order they appear in your document. For example, the first user story in your document receives the first value from the random generator website, and so on.

Your updated markdown document will look something like this for each user story:

## Title: Take a picture

### Description:

The application needs the ability to take a picture of a bird.

### Estimate: 3 Days
### Priority: 20

### Round 1: 1, 4, 3, 5
* We aren't sure how difficult it will be to access the phone's camera

### Round 2: 3, 3, 3, 3
* We assume that most phone APIs have access to the camera on the phone
* Moderate difficulty was decided as the API might be challenging to use

NOTE: We are keeping all of the existing content so far, just adding a priority below each estimate value.


Copy the user stories file from the birdy-estimates assignment and add it to this repository. Create a new markdown document named using the following template:

# Birdy Milestone

* Number of Developers: 5 people
* Iteration length: 10 days
* Velocity: 0.6
* Number of person-days per iteration: ???
* Number of Iterations: 10

## Iteration X Total Work: X
* Title: User Story Title
 * Priority: X
 * Estimate: X

## Left Overs
* Title: User Story Title
 * Priority: X
 * Estimate: X

Using the information in the template you need to:

  1. calculate the number of person-days and show your work via our formula
  2. plan each iteration ensuring the most high priority items are done first
    • You can copy and paste the template iteration section for each iteration you plan and replace the X’s with the right values
    • Make sure to show the sum of all the estimates for the iteration next to Toal Work:
  3. Any user stories you cannot fit into the alotted number of iterations will go in the Left Overs section


When you are finished, submit the work via GitHub.

Grade: 5 points

  • 1 Point: The assignment is submitted to GitHub
  • 1 Points: Markdown document is formatted correctly
  • 3 Points: Iteration plan prioritizes high priority user stories and all calculated values are accurate