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Birdy Estimates

It’s time to determine estimates for the Birdy user stories you recorded in your existing markdown document. You will have a planning poker session with your team and record estimates for each user story in units of IDEAL DAYS. You can start by using the physical planning poker cards in class, but if you do not finish you and your team can meet up on Teams or in-person and use this service to setup a room and perform planning poker.

As you work through the planning poker session make sure to record the estimates from each round of planning poker and any assumptions or dicussion points you have. When you reach a consensus record the final estimate value. Use the markdown snippet below as an example to record the planning poker information.

## Title: Take a picture

### Description:

The application needs the ability to take a picture of a bird.

### Estimate: 3 Days

### Round 1: 1, 4, 3, 5
* We aren't sure how difficult it will be to access the phone's camera

### Round 2: 3, 3, 3, 3
* We assume that most phone APIs have access to the camera on the phone
* Moderate difficulty was decided as the API might be challenging to use


Accept the assignment in GitHub Take your user stories from the the previous assignment and add them to this new repoitory.

Grade: 2 points

  • 1 Point: The assignment is submitted to GitHub
  • 1 Points: Each user story shows the estimate(s)