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Joost Dev Blog Post

You have already read the Joost blog post written by developer at a game company.

In 2-3 paragraphs, respond to this post however you like. Here are some prompt questions for ideas:

  • Do any of the issues he brings up resonate with you based on the coding projects you have worked on so far?
  • Does reading this affect the way you think about coding in general?

Note: For this assignment, a paragraph is considered to be 5+ sentences of written content.



Write your response using Markdown format in file named If you have forgotten any of the Markdown we talked about in class, you can reference this cheat sheet. You can write Markdown format in any text editor. Visual Studio Code will do some basic syntax highlighting, but not natively preview the output. If you would like to see a live preview while you write or want to verify your document is formatted correctly, you can use an online Markdown editor like

Make sure that the name of the assignment appears as a large heading at the top of the document, followed by your name as a subheading below.

Remember that in Markdown a blank line indicates a break in the content. Also, do not indent for your paragraphs as this has a different meaning in Markdown format.

We will discuss in class how to use git and git-keeper to submit your assignment during our next class. Make sure to have your finished file ready by them.

Grade: 5 points

  • 1 Point: The assignment is submitted to Moodle.
  • 2 Points: Written work is 2-3 paragraphs in length.
  • 2 Points: Markdown document is formatted correctly.