Final Project Template Code
This programming project will be done in groups of two or three. You are encouraged to engage with your classmates on Teams (you can use the hangout channel) or in-person to form a group of your choosing. You may NOT work on the project individually.
While this project is open-ended to allow you and your group to be creative, there are a few general categories of projects and some associated requirements.
Tell a story by moving characters/objects on a screen.
- Coherent Story/Theme presented through animation, text, pictographs/emotes, or audio dialogue (all may be combined)
- At least 3 characters/objects that play a role in the story
- At least 2 different scenes with unique image backgrounds (not just fill colors)
- At least 1 sound effect
- At least 1 music track
- A title screen
- Only one interaction is required to start the animation
- A credits screen with crawling text (crediting group members)
- Return to title screen after credits
- A way to quit the program
Design an interactive game.
- Clear and coherent gameplay mechanics
- What is the purpose of the game, how do you play it?
- A way to "win"
- This includes chasing a high score
- A way to "lose"
- A way to quit the game
- A Title screen / Menu
- An About screen (with group member names)
- A way to return to the title/menu screen
- At least two sound effects
- At least one music track/loop
- Interaction via Mouse, Keyboard, or Both
Interactive Story/Choose Your Own Adventure
This idea is a combination of the two other options.
- Coherent Story/Theme presented with text or audio dialogue (or a combination)
- Images should accompany each story "scene"
- Branching "path" to the story
- User selectable options
- Ability to go back
- Decisions with good outcomes
- Decisions with bad outcomes
- At least 3 sound effects
- Title Screen
- A credits screen with crawling text (crediting group members)
- After credits, return to title screen
- Keyboard or mouse interaction to make choice selections
- Way to quit the program
Projects should utilize functions to logically organize code and each function should be commented.
During this project, you will be permitted to ask the ZI, TA, or instructor for help if you get stuck, but don't forget to talk out problems within your group first. If you use code from examples or the internet, you MUST CITE WHERE IT CAME FROM (URL or posted example name), why you are using it, and what have you done to change it.
- A zip of your project folder including all code and assets to run your program
- Presentations should be 15 - 20 minutes
- Each member of the team should take part in the presentation
- Discuss your game/project idea
- Show your project running
- Talk about challenges and what you've learned
- Be prepared for questions from the audience and the instructor