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Homework 4: Collage (40 pts)


  1. Locate your "CS102" folder
  2. Create a folder inside "CS102" called "hw04""
  3. Download hw04.zip
  4. Extract the content of the zip file to hw04 in your CS102 folder
  5. Open "hw04.py" with Thonny


We have covered many ways to create and edit pictures, so now it’s time to put all those skills to the test and create an interesting image collage! Find at least one image and use the techniques listed below to create variations (listed below) on the picture(s) you have chosen. The layout and orientation of the pictures are up to you. Pictures can be neatly oriented in a grid or other shape, or they can be blended, overlapping, and arranged more chaotically.

While designing your collage consider:


Image Modification Techniques

Homework Submission

For this homework you will upload:
