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Example of looping over pixels and manipulating all pixels in an image. This example requires the gorge image from the media sources and media.py be in the same directory as this code to run the program

# Need to import media to use it's functions
import media


# Set red channel on all pixels to 0 
def clearRed(picture):
    # Copy the input image
    new_pic = media.duplicatePicture(picture)

    # Loop through all the pixels in the copy
    for pix in media.getPixels(new_pic):
        # Change the red channel value
        media.setRed(pix, 0) 

    # Return my edited picture
    return new_pic

# Set the green channel on all pixels to 0
def clearGreen(picture):
    new_pic = media.duplicatePicture(picture)
    for pix in media.getPixels(new_pic):
        media.setGreen(pix, 0)
    return new_pic

# Set the blue channel on all pixels to 0 
def clearBlue(picture):
    new_pic = media.duplicatePicture(picture)
    for pix in media.getPixels(new_pic):
        media.setBlue(pix, 0)
    return new_pic 

# Manipulate multiple pixels to create a "sunset" effect 
def make_sunset(picture):
    # Copy the input image
    new_pic = media.duplicatePicture(picture) 

    # Loop through all the pixels in the copy 
    for p in media.getPixels(new_pic): 
        # Set the blue and green channels to be 30% of their value 
        media.setBlue(p, media.getBlue(p) * 0.7)
        media.setGreen(p, media.getGreen(p) * 0.7) 
    # Return my edited picture 
    return new_pic 

# Darken an image 
def make_dusk(picture):
    new_pic = media.duplicatePicture(picture)
    for p in media.getPixels(new_pic): 
        # Take a color and darken it (reduce all rgb values) 
        color = media.makeDarker(media.getColor(p))
        media.setColor(p, color)
    return new_pic 

# Brighten an image 
def make_sunny(picture):
    new_pic = media.duplicatePicture(picture)
    for p in media.getPixels(new_pic): 
        # Take a color and brighten it (increase all rgb values)
        color = media.makeLighter(media.getColor(p))
        media.setColor(p, color)
    return new_pic 

# Create a negative of an image 
def negative(picture): 
    # Copy the input image 
    new_pic = media.duplicatePicture(picture) 
    # Loop through all the pixels in the copy 
    for p in media.getPixels(new_pic): 
        # Set each color channel to be the difference
        #   between the maximum pixel value (255) and
        #   the current channel value. 
        media.setRed(p, 255 - media.getRed(p))
        media.setBlue(p, 255 - media.getBlue(p))
        media.setGreen(p, 255 - media.getGreen(p)) 
    # Return my edited picture 
    return new_pic 


# Filename of the image I wish to use 
filename = 'gorge.jpg' 

# Load my image based on the filename 
picture = media.makePicture(filename) 

# Display changed images (DOES NOT SAVE THE IMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER!) 

# Cleans up media functionality 