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    # Strings can use single quotes (' ') or double quotes (" ") 
    my_var = ' "Hello" '
    my_var2 = " Hello's "
    # Strings can also span multiple lines using triple quotes (""" """)
    my_longstring = """This is stuff
    this is stuff on a new line"""
    # Take a string as an input parameter and return a new string
    #  in the reverse order
    def reverse_string(string):
        backwards = ''
        for char in string:
            # Stores the string in reverse order
            backwards = char + backwards 
            # Stores the string in forwards order
            #backwards = backwards + char 
        return backwards 
    # Search a string for the letter 't'
    #   and return True when we find it or False otherwise 
    def find_t(string):
        # Loop over each character 
        for character in string: 
            # Check if the character is equal to 't' (==)
            if character == 't':
                # We found the letter 't' and we can leave the function
                #    and return True 
                return True
        # We got here only if we never found the letter 't' 
        return False
    # Find vowels in a string (upper or lower case)
    def print_vowels(string):
        for char in string:
            if char.lower() in 'aeiou':
    # Print each letter of a string
    def print_letters(string):
        for char in string:
    # Function calls
    print(find_t("I know I have a t in here somewhere..."))