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Lab 1: Hello Class! (10 points)

For this assignment you will get all the necessary applications setup on your computer. Additionally, you will need to introduce yourself to the class.

STEP 1: Install Thonny

  1. Download and install the Thonny Python editor
  2. Read through the getting started guide for Thonny
  3. Create a folder on your computer called "CS102" (we will save all our work here)
  4. Make another folder inside "CS102" called "lab01"
  5. Download hello.py
  6. Move hello.py into the "lab01" folder
  7. Open hello.py with Thonny
  8. Change the text YOUR NAME HERE to your actual name
  9. Run the program using the green play button (your changes are automatically saved when your run) Green Thonny Run Button
  10. Save a screenshot (jpg, gif, or png format) that includes the code and the output
  11. Name the screenshot image "thonny_hello"

STEP 2: Run a program with media.py

  1. Download pic.py, media.py, and fine.png
  2. Move pic.py, media.py, and fine.png to the "lab01" folder
  3. Open pic.py with Thonny
  4. Run the program the program and open the fine.png image
  5. Save a screenshot (jpg, gif, or png format) of the open image and the code
  6. Name the screenshot image "media_fine"

STEP 3: Submit to Moodle

  1. Upload the "thonny_hello" and "media_fine" images to Moodle

STEP 4: Join Teams

  1. Make sure that you have been invited to the Multimedia Computing Team on Microsoft Teams.
  2. Enter the General channel and post a small introduction about yourself. I have already made a post about myself you can use as a guide. Ideas of things to include in your post:
    • Name / Nickname / Preferred Name
    • Phonetic Name Pronunciation (Guide)
    • Gender Pronouns (Why and How)
    • From where are you joining us (dorm room or another state/country)?
    • What year are you (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)?
    • What’s your major? Undecided? Computer science? Other?
    • Study Interests
    • Hobbies
    • What are you most looking forward to in this class OR why did you decide to take this class?