Final Project Q&A 1

We will meet for a roundtable discussion of your projects. My role will be that of an MC, facilitating discussion and making sure everyone is given the opportunity to participate. Your roles will be that of panelists: you’ll mostly be listening to your peers answering questions, posing your own questions, and answering questions directed at yourself.

If everyone comes to this Q & A session with an eagerness to learn, then we should have no problems with bouncing around answering and generating questions. We’ll probably leave our meeting with more questions then answers - but that’s okay! This would be a sign that we all participated well and have a deep thirst for expanding our knowledge. But, I want to make sure we all have some idea of how this session will go, so I’ll detail some expectations and structure below.


Ideally, any question is fair game, but the majority of questions will likely fall into one of the following categories:


By thinking on my descriptions, I believe you should all easily be able to have one or two questions for every one of your peers. Asking a question of everyone will not be a requirement, but there is a minimal expectation on the number of questions you should be asking. Moreover, all of you should be answering at least one question. Here are the specific requirements regarding your participation in the Q & A session.

  1. Thanks to Dr. Rob Kelvey for sharing this assignment, idea, and instructions.