Optional Extra Credit

Earlier in the semester, you had an opportunity to obtain 2% extra credit on your lowest exam for each research talk you attended and provided thoughtful feedback on. A few of you were unable to attend due to conflicting schedules. For those who were not able to attend, you may do one (for 2%) or both (for 4%) of the following substitutes. Each involves

Option A: Fast Matrix Multiplication

Watch the following video on very recent improvements to fast matrix multiplication. Write 500 words (minimum) in LaTex (1 page, single spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman) which thoughtfully and accurately summarizes the talk. Include your own reflection & thoughts on the subject.

Option B: Swarm Intelligence

Watch the following video on swarm intelligence. Write 500 words (minimum) in LaTeX (1 page, single spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman) which thoughtfully and accurately summarizes the talk. Include your own reflection & thoughts on the subject.

How to submit

Save as a PDF. Submit one (or both) to Moodle under “Extra Credit”.