You will need the following input file located in the SAME directory as your python code: alice.txt
# open the file for READING ("r")
with open("alice.txt", "r") as inputBook:
numWords = 0
# iterate through each line of the file
for line in inputBook:
# obtain a list of words from the text
words = line.split()
# accumulate the total number of words
numWords += len(words)
print("There are a total of {0} words".format(numWords))
When you run the following code, you can observe the output as a new file created called “output-numbers.txt” located in the SAME directory as your python code.
# open the file for WRITING ("w")
# - this creates the file if it didn't previously exist
# - this overwites the file if it already existed
with open("output-numbers.txt", "w") as outputFile:
# iterate through numbers 0 to 24, inclusive
for num in range(25):
# include the number and newline character
lineToWrite = "Number: {0} \n".format(num)
# append string to the end of the file
line1 = "{0} {1} {2} {3} {3} {3} {4}".format("here", "is", "a", "repeated", "example")
line2 = "{0} {1} cost ${2}".format(6, 'bananas', 1.42)