Office hour schedule

Office hours with Prof. Guarnera are located in her office, Taylor 303, by appointment.

Office hours with ZIs (zone interns) and TAs (teaching assistants) are in the STEM Zone, Taylor 205. No apppointment is necessary - you can drop in during designated times. Note that after 5pm, you will need to enter the building through the back-door (where the parking lot is) with your Wooster swipe card.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Prof. Guarnera (10am-12pm) Prof. Guarnera (1-2pm) Prof. Guarnera (11am-12pm)   Prof. Guarnera (10-11am)
ZI Fareeda (7-9pm) TA Idris (7-9pm) ZI Yazid (7-9pm) TA Ben (7-9pm)