CS 100


Scientific Computing

Final Project (100 pts)

Choose a problem to solve using Python programs. You will work in teams of 3 students. Your group will present the problem, your coded solution, and your results.

This project will be completed in stages.

  1. Complete the survey on Moodle to be placed in a team. Note that you’ll work in your team for this final project as well as all in-class group activities.

  2. [10] Project proposal: Each team will submit to Moodle the following
    • the title of your project,
    • all team members, and
    • one paragraph description of your project.
  3. [20] Intermediate results: share with the class the current state of your project. It should run and produce some output, but it doesn’t need to be complete.

  4. [30] Source code: Submit your software in Moodle. Keep it well organized, use functions, and document your code using comments. Part of the code must be written by you - not just code from the textbook or from another source. If you use a resource you must cite it! Otherwise, it is plagiarism and will result in an F. Your source code should have:
    • Comments with names of all team members at the top of the file
    • One paragraph per team member describing their main contribution
    • Comments at the top of each function
    • Several functions (at least 3, but you will likely have more)
    • Good use of variables and choice of variable names
    • Conditional statements (if, for, while)
  5. [30] Presentation: four (4) powerpoint slides presented in class (~5 minutes per team) and submitted to Moodle. Your presentation should include:
    • 1 slide: title, team names, class with semester/year
    • 1 slide: present the problem
    • 1 slide: present the solution (code, diagram, or a few bullets). Be clear what each team member’s main contribution is.
    • 1 slide: results (pictures, graphs, numbers)
    • A demo of your software
  6. [10] Peer grade: feedback from your peers on your project and how well you collaborated.


You will be graded on the above criteria as well as:


You are free to solve any problem, but here are some possible ideas with corresponding details on where you can look to get started.

Additional References

Projects from previous years

Here is a sample of projects from 2020.

Previous years also included:

Games - battleship, blockout, hangman, space invaders

Encryption with images (image contains a secret message embedded within the pixel differences)

Image processing


Images created by recursive functions

Solar system

Charts / visualizations