CS 300


Computer Graphics
Fall 2021

Final Group Project

You have established a team and drafted your project idea. Now you will work together to implement your project! Don’t forget, be creative! This can easily be a portfolio project that you can add to your resume and put on your GitHub account. On finals week you will be expected to give a 15 minute discussion and demonstration of your group’s project in class. It is expected that each memeber of the team will talk during the presentation and comment on the aspects of the project that they worked on. You do NOT need to make slides or any other presentation materials as your running project will be sufficient.

In addition to the project and presentation, each group memeber will write a 500 word reflection paper (template will be provided) on the project.

Software Requirements

The final project is open ended, but does have general requirements:

A few additional requirements have been added below for project subtypes. If you project does not fit in these categories, YOU MUST meet with the professor to discuss expectations.

Interactive Game

Your game must:

Your game must not:

Data Visualization/Simulation

Written Reflection Requirements

The written portion of the project will be done individually by each group memeber. The document will be no less than 500 words. You will discuss:


If you use existing models, 3D assets, sound/music, etc. make sure the assets do not have commercial licenses. Look for royalty free or creative commons content. Your project will be hosted in GitHub on a private repository for you and your team members (and your professor of course).

How you implement your game, this is up to you… Just follow the guidelines above. Remember to be distinct and be creative. HAVE FUN!


Many assets for your game can be found by searching for Royalty Free Sounds/Audio.


Tutorials and Reference

We will not have time to cover all the features of Unity. This will require you to indentify reference materials online to help you work with some Unity components and features. Usually, if you know what you want to do, you can Google for ideas on how you might do it. Just keep in mind if you use a reference that creates a “complete” game, make sure that you are adapting the features described to your game. Don’t make an asset flip!

NOTE: I have not watched every video from every source and cannot speak to the quailty or content within the videoes. These are presented in hopes that they are both helpful to your project and content appropriate.

The list of resources below is far from exhaustive, but may be helpful:

Unity Official Tutorials


Free on O’Reilly


The group project code and README.md file will be on GitHub. Your 500 word reflection will be submitted via gitkeeper.


Assignments that are copies or asset flips of existing projects will receive a failing grade. You will earn up to 150 points for this exercise, broken down as follows: