CS 300


Computer Graphics
Fall 2021

Unity Microgame Project

We have been spent multiple days creating a basic game called Rollball. We have:

Now it’s your turn! Using what we have learned from constructing the Rollball project I want you to create your own 3D Microgame. While it is expected that you will borrow concepts from the Rollball project, you must create A DIFFERENT GAME that has it own gameplay. A microgame doesn’t have to be advanced, it just needs to have basic gameplay mechanics and a solid gameplay loop implemented effectively. You can create lots of cool games with what you know already. If you are unsure about what you want to make here are just a few ideas:

You can also start from the mechanics and work backwards:

Be creative! This can easily be a portfolio project that you can add to your resume and put on your GitHub account.


Read the following throughly so you understand the expections. If you have questions or concerns, please let your professor know!

Game Requirements

Code Requirements

Documentation Requirements

You will also include a README.md (markdown file) that documents your game. The document should have no less than two well formed paragraphs of content. You can read up on the Markdown format if you are unfamiliar. VSCode can help syntax highlight a markdown document, but there are also some online markdown editors, such as https://dillinger.io/ or https://stackedit.io/app#, that can make things a bit easier . With an online editor, you can simply copy and paste the markdown code from the editor to your README.md file.

Your paragraph README.md should include:


This is up to you… Just follow the guidelines above. Remember to be distinct from Rollball and be creative. HAVE FUN!


All assignments will be submitted via gitkeeper.


A Rollball clone will receive a failing grade.

You will earn up to 80 points for this exercise, broken down as follows: