CS 300


Computer Graphics
Fall 2021

Group Project Proposal Activity

Today’s class is all about getting you ready to start your group project! In this activity you will:

I’ll also have scratch paper so you can sketch out your ideas.

DO NOT START YOUR PROJECT UNTIL YOU ARE PROVIDED A GITHUB REPOSITORY TO COMMIT YOUR WORK Without a proper .gitignore file git will commit content to the repository that will make it difficult for your team members to work with you.


Team Formation

Teams will primarily be groups of three. Since we have 26 people in the class this means there will be two groups of four. If you decide to form a group of four, it will be expected that the quailty of your final project will reflect having an extra team member.

Project Idea - minimum 2 paragraphs

While the project idea is free form, it must be a 3D visual application, and must feature interactivity. While you might not know implementation specifics, the idea you present should be fully formed. For example if you are making a game, you should have an idea of the genre (type of game), features, core gameplay loop (what the player does in the game), and progression. If you decide that you want to implement a data visualization/simulation you will need to describe the dataset as well as the purpose and features of the application.

A Word on Project Scope

Make sure to keep your game focused. Some of the best games ever made have a simple premise that is executed very well. That’s what we are looking to accomplish here. You won’t have time for everything you want to do, so when you are thinking about features for your game, consider first the minimum pool of features to achive the goal (the MUST HAVEs). Ask yourself what does this game need to be “complete”? You don’t have to discard other ideas, but you will want to set them aside in the event that you have extra time (the WANT TO HAVEs). Once the MUST HAVEs are implemented and refined, THEN you can start working on the WANT TO HAVE features.

Team Conduct Policies

This can be a bulleted list, but should clearly outline conduct expectations to make your group a respectful and productive environment. Make sure EVERYONE in the group contributes to this section and AGREES on the policies.

Development Platform

The preferred development platform will be Unity. If you opt for a different platform you will need explicit permission from the professor and agreement among your team. Keep in mind that selecting a different development platform may limit the amount of question and answer support from your professor if bugs/issues arise. If you select a development platform other than Unity you must explicitly include the platform in your project proposal.


A template Markdown document will be provided via gitkeeper and completed based on the items described above and submitted via gitkeeper. EACH TEAM MEMBER MUST SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT TO GITKEEPER

If you finish this before the deadline, you may email me and I will setup your project repository early. It will contain a Standard Unity URP starter project, custom .gitignore, and your README.md file.


You will earn up to 50 points for this exercise, broken down as follows: