CS 279 - Problem Seminar - Fall 2023

Syllabus | Moodle

Drew Guarnera
Taylor Hall 313
Office Hours:
Book a Meeting:
Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri

** All times are in Eastern Time (ET) **

Code Repository:

As you find resources that you would like added to the programming competition binder, you can view and add resources here: https://github.com/dtg3/wooster-programming-competition

If you do not have access to the repository, please email me.

The repository can be cloned with the following command (only necessary the first time you wish to acquire the code):

$ git clone https://github.com/dtg3/wooster-programming-competition

You can always get the latest example code by running the following command inside the wooster-programming-competition directory:

$ git pull