- OS
- Purpose
- Responsibility
- Virtualization
- Process
- States
- What is a process?
- What is Limited Direct Execution
- What sequence of actions takes place during a system call?
- What is the purpose of a trap table?
- Timer interrupts are a useful mechanism for the OS. Why?
- Exaplain what a code example does or if it behaves as described?
- Fork, wait, wait_pid exec, malloc, free, calloc, realloc
- Understand scheduling policies and their behavior:
- Round Robin
- Shortest Job First
- Shortest Time to Completion First
- First in First out
- Multi Level Feedback Queue
- Proportional Share Scheduling
- Lottery
- Completely Fair Scheduler
- Ticket Concepts
- I may also propose a made up scheduling policy and its rules and ask about the effect this might have on out metrics or how jobs may get scheduled
How do you compute turnaround time/average turnaround time?
How do you computer response time/average response time?
- Understand free space management:
- Splitting and Coalescing
- Maintaining a free list (simulator like questions)
- Strategies
- Best Fit
- Worst Fit
- First Fit
- Next Fit
- What are segregated lists?
- What is buddy allocation?
- Understand the concept and usage of:
- Base and Bounds (dynamic relocation)
- Static relocation
- Segmenting
- Paging
- Compute Address translations using (valid and invalid):
- Base and Bounds
- Segmenting
- Paging
- Advantages/Disadvantages of:
- Base and Bounds (dynamic relocation)
- Segmentation
- Paging
Determine addressing schemes required for a paging implementation
- All provided simluations may be used as a basis for a question
- I will not ask how to use a simulator, but rather given some information determine the results
- All quiz questions are fair game