Exercise 08: Scary Good Drawings!

The spooky season is here and we need to create some horrifyingly good images for Halloween!


  1. Download the zip file containing the starter code.
  2. Extract the ex08 folder an place it into your cs102 folder
  3. Open the files halloween.py with Thonny


Halloween approaches and you need to plan your jack-o-lantern carvings and decorations! Using Turtle create a spooky image of a jack-o-lantern, haunted house, or some other fun Halloween scene! You must use Turtle to draw your images! Your image must display:

While your art doesn’t need to hang in a museum, it does need to reasonably resemble the visual concept you are trying to display. This means no post-modern scribbles or splotches please. :)



Right click your ex08 assignment folder and choose compress on MacOS or Compress to ZIP file on Windows. Upload the zip file to the matching Moodle assignment to submit your work.

Grading - 5 points