A AdditionProblem.h

/*-- AdditionProblem.h ----------------------------------------------
  This header file contains the declaration of class AdditionProblem.

  Basic operations:
    constructor: Generates problem with random addends -- uses
                 random number generator rand() from cstdlib
    display():   Displays the problem
    answer():    Returns answer to problem

#include <iostream>


class AdditionProblem
  /***** Function Members *****/

  AdditionProblem(int maxAddend = 100);
    Construct an addition problem.

    Precondition:  Receives maxAddend, the largest integer to
        use in a problem
    Postcondition: An addition problem has been constructed
        with addends that are random integers in the range 
        0 through maxAddend and myTries initialized to 1.

  void display(ostream & out) const;
    Display the addition problem. 

    Precondition:  ostream out is open.
    Postcondition: Problem has been been output to out.

  int answer() const;
    Get answer to addition problem. 

    Precondition:  None
    Postcondition: Answer to this addition problem is retrieved.

  /***** Data Members *****/
   int myAddend1, 

//--- Initialize random number generator
void initialize();

//--- Output operator
ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const AdditionProblem & problem);




B AdditionProblem.cpp

/*-- AdditionProblem.cpp -------------------------------------------
   This file implements operations for AdditionProblem objects.


#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

#include "AdditionProblem.h"

//--- Definition of AdditionProblem constructor
AdditionProblem::AdditionProblem(int maxAddend)
   myAddend1 = rand() % (maxAddend + 1);
   myAddend2 = rand() % (maxAddend + 1);
   myAnswer = myAddend1 + myAddend2;

//--- Definition of display()
void AdditionProblem::display(ostream & out) const
  Display values stored in the stack 

  Precondition:  out is ostream to use for output
  Postcondition: Stack's contents, from top down, have
      been output to out.
   out << myAddend1 << " + " << myAddend2 << " = ? ";

//--- Definition of answer()
int AdditionProblem::answer() const
   return (myAddend1 + myAddend2);

//--- Definition of output operator]
ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const AdditionProblem & problem)
   return out;

//--- Definition of initialize()
void initialize()
  long seed = long(time(0));    // seed for random number generator



C Drill and Practice Program

  Drill-and-Practice Program that generates random drill-and-practice 
  addition problems.  Problems that are answered incorrectly are 
  queued and asked again until all are answered correctly or maximum
  number of tries is reached.

  Input:  Number of problems to generate, student's answers to
  Output: Messages, problems, correct answers, number of problems
          answered correctly

  Note:   Program assumes that Queue.h contains a declaration of a 
          class Queue like that described in Sections 7.2 and 7.3
	          whose elements are of type AdditionProblem.  An alternative
          is to use the C++ standard queue class template by making
          the following changes: 
            #include "Queue.h" --> #include <queue>
            Queue wrongQueue --> queue<AdditionProblem> wrongQueue
            enqueue --> push
            dequeue --> pop

#include <iostream>              // cin, cout, >>, <<
using namespace std;

#include "AdditionProblem.h"     // AdditionProblem, initialize()
#include "Queue.h"               // A queue class for AdditionProblems

int main()
   int numProblems,              // number of problems asked
       maxAddend;                // maximum addend in a problem
   const int MAX_ROUNDS = 3;     // maximum number of rounds in
                                 //   which to try the problems
   initialize();                 // initialize random number generator

   cout << "*** Let's practice our addition skills! *** \n\n"
           "How many problems would you like? ";
   cin >> numProblems;
   cout << "What's the largest addend you would like? ";
   cin >> maxAddend;

   // Generate numProblems problems and store them in a queue.
   Queue problemQueue;           // queue of problems
   for (int i = 1; i <= numProblems; i++)
     AdditionProblem problem(maxAddend);
   // Conduct the practice rounds
   AdditionProblem problem;      // next addition problem
   int userAnswer,               // user's answer to a problem
       numberMissed;             // number of problems missed
   for (int round = 1; round <= MAX_ROUNDS; round++)

      // One round of problems

      numberMissed = 0;

      for (int count = 1; count <= numProblems; count++)
         problem = problemQueue.front();
         cout << problem;
         cin >> userAnswer;
         if (userAnswer == problem.answer())
            cout << "Correct!\n\n";
            cout << "Sorry -- Try again later\n\n";

      if (numberMissed == 0)
         cout << "Congratulations! You correctly answered all the"
                " problems in Round #" << round << endl;
         cout << "\nYou missed " << numberMissed << " problems in Round #"
              << round << ".\n";
         if (round < MAX_ROUNDS)
            cout << "You may now try them again.  Good luck!\n";
         numProblems = numberMissed;

   // 	Wrapup
   if (numberMissed == 0)
     cout << "You have finished the quiz and have successfully.\n"
             "answered all the problems.  Good job!" << endl;
      cout << "\nYou have reached the limit on the number of tries "
              "allowed.\nHere are the problems you missed:\n\n";
      while (!problemQueue.empty())
         problem = problemQueue.front();
         cout << problem << " Answer: " << problem.answer() << "\n\n";
      cout << "Perhaps it would be a good idea to practice some more.\n";

   return 0;



2A Queue.h Using Static Array

/* Queue.h contains the declaration of class Queue.
   Basic operations:
     Constructor: Constructs an empty queue
     empty:       Checks if a queue is empty
     enqueue:     Modifies a queue by adding a value at the back
     front:       Accesses the front queue value; leaves queue unchanged
     dequeue:     Modifies a queue by removing the value at the front
     display:     Displays the queue elements from front to back
   Class Invariant:
      1. The queue elements (if any) are stored in consecutive
         positions in myArray, beginning at position myFront.
      2. 0 <= myFront, myBack < QUEUE_CAPACITY
      3. Queue's size < QUEUE_CAPACITY

#include <iostream>

#ifndef QUEUE
#define QUEUE

const int QUEUE_CAPACITY = 128;

template<class ItemType>
class Queue
  /***** Function Members *****/
  /***** Constructor *****/
    Construct a Queue object.

    Precondition:  None.
    Postcondition: An empty Queue object has been constructed;
        myFront and myBack are initialized to -1 and myArray 
        is an array with QUEUE_CAPACITY elements of type 

  bool empty() const;
    Check if queue is empty
    Precondition: None.
    Postcondition: True is returned if the queue is empty and 
        false is returned otherwise.

  void enqueue(const ItemType & value);
    Add a value to a queue 

    Precondition:  value is to be added to this queue.
    Postcondition: value is added at back of queue provided 
        there is space; otherwise, a queue-full message is 
        displayed and execution is terminated.

  void display(ostream & out) const;
    Output the values stored in the queue 

    Precondition:  out is ostream to use for output
    Postcondition: Queue's contents, from top down, have
        been output to out.

  ItemType front() const;
    Retrieve value at front of queue (if any)

    Precondition:  Queue is nonempty
    Postcondition: Value at front of queue is returned, unless
        queue is empty; in that case, an error message is
        displayed and a "garbage value" is returned.

  void dequeue();
    Remove value at front of queue (if any)

    Precondition:  Queue is nonempty
    Postcondition: Value at front of queue has been removed, 
        unless queue is empty; in that case, an error 
        message is displayed and execution is terminated.

  /***** Data Members *****/
  ItemType myArray[QUEUE_CAPACITY];
  int myFront,
count; }; // end of class declaration #endif 




2B Queue.cpp

/*-- Queue.cpp-----------------------------------------------------------
   This file implements Queue member functions.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "Queue.h"

//--- Definition of Queue constructor
template<class ItemType>
Queue<ItemType>::Queue() : myFront(0), myBack(
QUEUE_CAPACITY-1), count(0) {} //--- Definition of empty()
template<class ItemType>
bool Queue<ItemType>::empty() const { return (count == 0); } //--- Definition of enqueue()
template<class ItemType>
void Queue<ItemType>::enqueue(const ItemType & value) { if (count <
QUEUE_CAPACITY) // queue isn't full { myBack = (myBack+1) % QUEUE_CAPACITY
myArray[myBack] = value; count++; } else { cerr << "*** Queue full -- can't add new value ***\n" "Must increase value of QUEUE_CAPACITY in Queue.h\n"; exit(1); } } //--- Definition of display()
template<class ItemType>
void Queue<ItemType>::display(ostream & out) const { for (int i = myFront; i != myBack; i = (i + 1) % QUEUE_CAPACITY) out << myArray[i] << " "; cout << endl; } //--- Definition of front()
template<class ItemType>
 ItemType Queue<ItemType>::front() const { if ( !empty() ) return (myArray[myFront]); else { cerr << "*** Queue is empty " " -- returning garbage value ***\n"; return myArray[QUEUE_CAPACITY-1]; // "Garbage" value } } //--- Definition of dequeue()
template<class ItemType>
void Queue<ItemType>::dequeue() { if ( !empty() )
 myFront = (myFront + 1) % QUEUE_CAPACITY;
  else { cerr << "*** Queue is empty -- " "can't remove a value ***\n"; exit(1); } } 




3A LQueue.h Class Declaration

/*-- LQueue.h -------------------------------------------------------------

  This header file defines a Queue data type.
  Basic operations:
    constructor:  Constructs an empty queue
    empty:        Checks if a queue is empty
    enqueue:      Modifies a queue by adding a value at the back
    front:        Accesses the top queue value; leaves queue unchanged
    dequeue:      Modifies queue by removing the value at the front
    display:      Displays all the queue elements

#include <iostream>

#ifndef LQUEUE
#define LQUEUE

template<class ItemType>
class Queue
 /***** Function Members *****/
 /***** Constructors *****/

    Construct a Queue object.

    Precondition:  None.
    Postcondition: An empty Queue object has been constructed.
        (myFront and myBack are initialized to null pointers).

  Queue(const Queue & original);
    Copy Constructor 

    Precondition:  original is the queue to be copied and is received 
        as a const reference parameter.
    Postcondition: A copy of original has been constructed.

 /***** Destructor *****/
    Class destructor 

    Precondition:  None.
    Postcondition: The linked list in the queue has been deallocated.

 /***** Assignment *****/
 const Queue & operator= (const Queue & rightHandSide);
    Assignment Operator 

    Precondition:  rightHandSide is the queue to be assigned and is 
        received as a const reference parameter.
    Postcondition: The current queue becomes a copy of rightHandSide 
        and a reference to it is returned.

  bool empty() const;
    Check if queue is empty.

    Precondition:  None.
    Postcondition: Returns true if queue is empty and false otherwise.

  void enqueue(const ItemType & value);
    Add a value to a queue.

    Precondition:  value is to be added to this queue.
    Postcondition: value is added at back of queue.               

  void display(ostream & out) const;
    Display values stored in the queue.

    Precondition:  ostream out is open.
    Postcondition: Queue's contents, from front to back, have been 
        output to out.

  ItemType front() const;
    Retrieve value at front of queue (if any).

    Precondition:  Queue is nonempty.
    Postcondition: Value at front of queue is returned, unless the queue 
        is empty; in that case, an error message is displayed and a 
        "garbage value" is returned.

  void dequeue();
    Remove value at front of queue (if any).

    Precondition:  Queue is nonempty.
    Postcondition: Value at front of queue has been removed, unless
        queue is empty; in that case, an error message is displayed 
        and execution allowed to proceed.

   /*** Node class ***/
   class Node
      ItemType data;
      Node * next;
      //--- Node constructor
      Node(ItemType value, Node * link = 0)
        Precondition:  value and link are received
        Postcondition: A Node has been constructed with value in its 
            data part and its next part set to link (default 0).
      { data = value; next = link; }


  typedef Node * NodePointer;

  /***** Data Members *****/
  NodePointer myFront,      // pointer to front of queue
              myBack;       // pointer to back of queue

}; // end of class declaration





3B LQueue.cpp,  Implementation

/*--- LQueue.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------
             This file implements LQueue member functions.
#include <new>
using namespace std;

#include "LQueue.h"

//--- Definition of Queue constructor
template<class ItemType>
Queue<ItemType>::Queue() : myFront(0), myBack(0) {} //--- Definition of Queue copy constructor
template<class ItemType>
Queue<ItemType>::Queue(const Queue<ItemType> & original) { myFront = myBack = 0; if (!original.empty()) { // Copy first node myFront = myBack = new Queue<ItemType>::Node(original.front()); // Set pointer to run through original's linked list Queue<ItemType>::NodePointer origPtr = original.myFront->next; while (origPtr != 0) { myBack->next = new Queue<ItemType>::Node(origPtr->data); myBack = myBack->next; origPtr = origPtr->next; } } } //--- Definition of Queue destructor template<class ItemType>
Queue<ItemType>::~Queue() { // Set pointer to run through the queue Queue<ItemType>::NodePointer prev = myFront, ptr; while (prev != 0) { ptr = prev->next; delete prev; prev = ptr; } } //--- Definition of assignment operator
template<class ItemType>
const Queue<itemType> & Queue<ItemType>::operator=(const Queue<ItemType> & rightHandSide) { if (this != &rightHandSide) // check that not q = q { this->~Queue(); // destroy current linked list if (rightHandSide.empty()) // empty queue myFront = myBack = 0; else { // copy rightHandSide's list // Copy first node myFront = myBack = new Queue<ItemType>::Node(rightHandSide.front()); // Set pointer to run through rightHandSide's linked list Queue<ItemType>::NodePointer rhsPtr = rightHandSide.myFront->next; while (rhsPtr != 0) { myBack->next = new Queue<ItemType>::Node(rhsPtr->data); myBack = myBack->next; rhsPtr = rhsPtr->next; } } } return *this; } //--- Definition of empty()
template<class ItemType>
bool Queue<ItemType>::empty() const { return (myFront == 0); } //--- Definition of enqueue()
template<class ItemType>
 void Queue<ItemType>::enqueue(const ItemType & value) { Queue<ItemType>::NodePointer newptr = new Queue<ItemType>::Node(value); if (empty()) myFront = myBack = newptr; else { myBack->next = newptr; myBack = newptr; } } //--- Definition of display()
template<class ItemType>
 void Queue<ItemType>::display(ostream & out) const { Queue<ItemType>::NodePointer ptr; for (ptr = myFront; ptr != 0; ptr = ptr->next) out << ptr->data << " "; out << endl; } //--- Definition of front()
template<class ItemType>
 ItemType Queue<ItemType>::front() const { if (!empty()) return (myFront->data); else { cerr << "*** Queue is empty " " -- returning garbage ***\n"; ItemType * temp = new(ItemType); ItemType garbage = *temp; // "Garbage" value delete temp; return garbage; } } //--- Definition of dequeue()
template<class ItemType>
void Queue<ItemType>::dequeue() { if (!empty()) { Queue<ItemType>::NodePointer ptr = myFront; myFront = myFront->next; delete ptr; if (myFront == 0) // queue is now empty myBack = 0; } else cerr << "*** Queue is empty -- can't remove a value ***\n"; } 




3C Driver Program to Test Queue Class

                  Driver program to test the Queue class.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "LQueue.h"

void print(Queue q)
{ q.display(cout); }

int main()
   Queue q1;
   cout << "Queue created.  Empty? " << boolalpha << q1.empty() << endl;

   cout << "How many elements to add to the queue? ";
   int numItems;
   cin >> numItems;
   for (int i = 1; i <= numItems; i++) 

   cout << "Contents of queue q1 (via  print):\n";
   print(q1); cout << endl;

   Queue q2;
   q2 = q1;
   cout << "Contents of queue q2 after q2 = q1 (via  print):\n";
   print(q2); cout << endl;

   cout << "Queue q2 empty? " << q2.empty() << endl;

   cout << "Front value in q2: " << q2.front() << endl;

   while (!q2.empty())
     cout << "Remove front -- Queue contents: ";
   cout << "Queue q2 empty? " << q2.empty() << endl;
   cout << "Front value in q2?" << endl << q2.front() << endl;
   cout << "Trying to remove front of q2: " << endl;




4 Simulation Class -- Data Members

/*-- Simulation.h ----------------------------------------------------------
  Header file to define a Simulation data type for simulating the operation
  of an information/reservation center that services telephone calls.

  Basic operations:
    constructor:       constructs a Simulation object
    run():             carry out the simulation
    display():         output results of the simulation
    service():         service an incoming call
    checkForNewCall(): check if a new call has come in
  Note:  Assumes availability of a queue class with elements of type Call.

#include <iostream>       // istream, ostream, >>, <<
#include <ctime>          // time()


#include "Timer.h"
#include "Call.h"
#include "LQueue.h"       // Queue with elements of type Call

const int NUM_CATEGORIES = 5;
class Simulation
  /***** Function Members *****/
  /***** Constructor *****/
    Construct a Simulation object.

    Precondition:  None
    Postcondition: Input data members have been initialized with values
        entered by the user; output data members have been initialized 
    to 0; and random number generator has been initialized.

  /***** Running the simulation *****/
  void run();
    Run the simulation.

    Precondition:  None.
    Postcondition: Simulation of phone service has been completed and
        performance statistics output.

  /***** Output *****/
  void display(ostream & out);
    Display results of the simulation.

    Precondition:  ostream out is open.
    Postcondition: Total number of calls and the average waiting time
        for calls have been output to out.

  /***** Call processing *****/
  void service(int & busyTimeRemaining);
    Service the current call (if any).

    Precondition:  None
    Postcondition: busyTimeRemaining has been decremented by one if a call
        was being serviced; otherwise, if there were incoming calls, a 
        call has been removed from myIncomingCalls, its service time      
        assigned to busyTimeRemaining, and its waiting time in the queue
        added to myTotalWaitingTime.

  void checkForNewCall();
    Check if a new call has arrived and if so, add it to the
    queue of incoming calls.

    Precondition:  None.
    Postcondition: myIncomingCalls has been updated.
  /***** Data Members *****/   
   //-- Inputs
   int    myLengthOfSimulation;
   double myArrivalRate;
   int    myServicePercent[NUM_CATEGORIES];

   //-- Outputs
   int    myCallsReceived;
   double myTotalWaitingTime;

   //-- Countdown Timer
   Timer myTimer;
   //-- Queue of calls waiting for service
   Queue myIncomingCalls;

};  // end of class declaration





5 Simulation Class -- Function Members

/*-- Simulation.cpp --------------------------------------------------------
       Definitions of function members of class Simulation.

#include <iostream>       // istream, ostream, >>, <<
#include <cstdlib>        // rand(), srand()
#include <ctime>          // time()
using namespace std;

#include "Simulation.h"

//--- Definition of constructor
   //-- Initialize output statistics
   myCallsReceived = 0;
   myTotalWaitingTime = 0;
   //-- Get simulation parameters
   cout << "Enter arrival rate (calls per hour): ";
   int callsPerHour;
   cin >> callsPerHour;
   myArrivalRate = callsPerHour / 60.0;  // convert to calls per minute

   cout << "Enter percent of calls serviced in\n";
   int percent,
       sum = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CATEGORIES - 1; i++)
      cout << "  <= " << i + 1 << " min. ";      cin >> percent;
       sum += percent;
       myServicePercent[i] = sum;
   myServicePercent[NUM_CATEGORIES - 1] = 100;

   cout << "Enter # of minutes to run simulation: ";
   cin >> myLengthOfSimulation;

  // Set the countdown timer

  //-- Initialize random number generator
  long seed = long(time(0));    // seed for random number generator

//--- Definition of run()
void Simulation::run()
  // Begin the simulation
  int busyTimeLeft = 0;
  while (myTimer.timeRemaining() > 0)
  cout << "\nNot accepting more calls -- service those waiting\n";
  // Service any remaining calls in incomingCalls queue
  while (!myIncomingCalls.empty())

  // Output the results

//--- Definition of display()
void Simulation::display(ostream & out)
   out << "\nNumber of calls processed:   " << myCallsReceived
       << "\nAve. waiting time per call:  "
       <<      myTotalWaitingTime / myCallsReceived
       << " minutes" << endl;

//--- Definition of service()
void Simulation::service(int & busyTimeRemaining)
   if (busyTimeRemaining > 0)        // servicing a call
      busyTimeRemaining--;           // service it for another minute
      if (!myIncomingCalls.empty())  // calls are waiting -- get one
         Call nextCall = myIncomingCalls.front();
         busyTimeRemaining = nextCall.getServiceTime();
         // Update total waiting time
         myTotalWaitingTime += 
                nextCall.getArrivalTime() - myTimer.timeRemaining();

//--- Definition of checkForNewCall()
void Simulation::checkForNewCall()
   int x = rand() % 100;

   if (x < 100 * myArrivalRate)
      // A new call has arrived.  Generate a random service time for it
      int r = rand() % 100;
      int serviceTime = 0;
      while (r > myServicePercent[serviceTime])

      // Construct a new call and add it to queue of incoming calls
      Call newCall(myTimer, serviceTime + 1);




5B Driver Program for Simulation

   Driver program for simulation of information/reservation 
   center that services telephone calls 

using namespace std;

#include "Simulation.h"

int main()
   Simulation sim;

   return 0;




Figure Timer Class .h and .cpp

/*-- Timer.h ---------------------------------------------------
  This header file defines a class Timer that models a 
  countdown timer.

  Basic operations:
    constructor:       constructs a Timer object
    set():             mutator to set/reset the timer
    tick():            decrease timer by 1 time unit (minute)
    hasTimeLeft():     checks if any time remains
    timeRemaining():   determines how much time remains

#ifndef TIMER
#define TIMER

class Timer
  /***** Function Members *****/
  /***** Constructor *****/
  Timer (int initTime = 0);
    Construct a Timer object.

    Precondition:  The initial value initTime to start the
        timer is received.
    Postcondition: myMinutes has been initialized to 
        initTime minutes (default 0).

  /***** Set timer *****/
  void set(int minutes);
    Set/reset the timer.

    Precondition:  None
    Postcondition: myMinutes has been set to minutes.      

  /***** Decrement timer *****/
  void tick();
    Advance the clock one minute.

    Precondition:  None
    Postcondition: myMinutes has been decremented by 1.      

  /***** Check time remaining *****/
  int timeRemaining() const;
    Find how much time remains on the countdown timer.

    Precondition:  None
    Postcondition: Time left before timer runs out is 

  /***** Data Members *****/
   int myMinutes;
};  // end of class declaration


/*-- Timer.cpp -------------------------------------------------
      Contains definitions of function members of class Timer

#include <cassert>
using namespace std;

#include "Timer.h"

//--- Definition of constructor
Timer::Timer(int initTime)
   assert(initTime >= 0);
   myMinutes = initTime;

//--- Definition of set()
void Timer::set(int minutes)
   assert(minutes >= 0);
   myMinutes = minutes;

//--- Definition of tick()
void Timer::tick()

//--- Definition of timeRemaining()
int Timer::timeRemaining() const
   return myMinutes;




Figure Call Class  .h and .cpp Files

/*-- Call.h ---------------------------------------------------
  This header file defines a class Call that models phone calls.

  Basic operations:
    constructors:      construct a Call object
    getArrivalTime():  accessor to get time call arrived
    getServiceTime():  get time needed to service the call
    display():         display information about the call
    <<:                output operator for a Call object


#include <iostream>
#include "Timer.h"

#ifndef CALL
#define CALL

class Call
  /***** Function Members *****/
  /***** Constructor *****/
    Construct a Call object (default).

    Precondition:  None
    Postcondition: All data members are initialized to 0.

  Call(const Timer & t, int serviceTime);
    Construct a Call object (explicit-value).

    Precondition:  Countdown timer t is received
    Postcondition: myTimeOfArrival has been set to time left
        on Timer t and myServiceTime to serviceTime.

  int getArrivalTime() const;
    Accessor function for arrival time.

    Precondition:  None
    Postcondition: Value of myTimeOfArrival was returned.

  int getServiceTime() const;
    Accessor function for service time.

    Precondition:  None
    Postcondition: Value of myServiceTime was returned.

  void display(ostream & out) const;
    Display call
    Precondition:  ostream out is a reference parameter
    Postcondition: Call has been output to out.

  /***** Data Members *****/
   int myTimeOfArrival;
   int myServiceTime;
};  // end of Timer class declaration

//--- Prototype for output operator
ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Call & aCall);


/*-- Call.cpp --------------------------------------------------
      Contains definitions of the basic Call operations.

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;

#include "Call.h"

//--- Definition of Default Constructor
   myTimeOfArrival = myServiceTime = 0; 

//--- Definition of Explicit-Value Constructor
Call::Call(const Timer & t, int serviceTime)
   // record call's time of arrival
   myTimeOfArrival = t.timeRemaining();
   // set its service time
   myServiceTime = serviceTime;

//--- Definition of getArrivalTime()
int Call::getArrivalTime() const
   return myTimeOfArrival;

//--- Definition of getServiceTime()
int Call::getServiceTime() const
   return myServiceTime;

//--- Definition of display()
void Call::display(ostream & out) const
  out << "Arrival Time:    " << myTimeOfArrival << endl
	      << "Service Time:    " << myServiceTime << endl;

//-- Definition of output operator
ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Call & aCall)
   return out;