Homework 1: Summary



Article Title: See syllabus

Article Summary: See syllabus

Description and Specifications:

This assignment is worth two homework grades. For this assignment you are to summarize a computer-related article. The article must come from a technical journal or other approved source. Industry journals such as Datamation, PC Week and MacWorld are not acceptable. You should use the library’s online database search engines. The Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) Digital Library is an excellent resource for finding full, online articles from the wide array of computing journals published by the ACM. Go to http://libguides.wooster.edu/content.php?pid=74238&sid=549639 and select the link ACM Digital Library.

Please see "Pointers for Constructing an effective Summary".


·         Length: between 2 and 3 pages.

·         Margins: no more than 1 inch (all the way around the page).

·         Font: Times New Roman or Times Roman font with a font size of 12.

·         Spacing: 1 1/2 spacing. 

·         Points will be deducted for spelling and grammatical mistakes.

            You must submit a photocopy of the article with your summary.


Important Requirement: Article Approval

Since I will not allow more than one person to summarize the same article, you must receive prior approval for the article you are summarizing. To do this, send me email (dbyrnes@wooster.edu) with the following information (use the format given below!). I will reply by email letting you know if the piece is taken.

article title, author, journal, volume and number, journal date

For example,

Corporate Shortcut to Standardization, Roy Rada, Communications of the ACM, Vol 41, No. 1, January 1998


This summary counts as two homework grades. Failure to have an approved article by the due date will result in a penalty of 10 points on both homework scores. The penalty increases by 10 points for each day after this. If you do not have approval for the article you summarize, you receive a 0 for both homework grades.

Learning Goals:

Why are you being given this assignment? First, I want you to have a little more breadth in the discipline. If you search diligently, you will find an article on an area of interest to you: education, business, ethics, security, etc. Also, this assignment is important because it involves several skills that are tied to being an effective programmer:

This is also part of problem-solving: not taking what you are given at face value; looking for contradictions, missing pieces. This also plays an important part in software testing. Developing effective test cases means being able to look carefully (critically) at code to see how best to test to demonstrate that the code is behaving as advertised.

Pointers for Writing Effective Summaries

Answer these questions as you evaluate the appropriateness of the article:

Answer these questions before you write your summary:

As your write your summary:

Additional Resources:

The Writing Center will be glad to help you with your writing. They can be found in Andrews Library lower level 1.

There are several references on how to read a research paper under the how to read a library article link on the Resources page.