Create a file
and save it to your CS100/ch1
directory. For each of the following exercises, write code to this file and save it. This
Is the program that you will eventually submit to Moodle.
Write code using a for loop to print out the numbers 0 to 10 (0 1 2 3 4 …)
Write code using a for loop to print out the numbers 0 to 100 by 10s (0 10 20 30 …)
Write code using a for loop to print out the numbers from -10 to 10 by 2s (-10 -8 -6 …)
Write code using a for loop to print out the numbers from 10 to 0 (10 9 8 7 …)
# Draws multiple rectangles
import turtle
def placeRectangle(x,y,height,width):
t.forward (width)
t.forward (height)
t.speed('fastest') # this makes bob run really fast
for tall in range(10,100,10):
placeRectangle(0,0,tall, 50)
This program draws 10 rectangles, each taller than the previous one, but it is difficult to see because they overlap each other.
Modify the program to shift each rectangle over a little bit. Use the following code: (replace the for loop with this:
x = -100
for tall in range(10,100,10):
x = x + 20
Now the output should look like this:
Notice that the code inside the placeRectangle() function repeats itself.
Demonstrate that your new function draws a rectangle correctly.
Demonstrate that your new function draws a octagon correctly. (Note: the angle between sides of an octagon is 45 degrees.)
Make sure you saved your work and that it runs without errors. Submit your
file to Moodle.
Your program should have FOUR code segments for PART 1, THREE code segments for PART 2 (and a written answer in the comments), and ONE code segment for PART 3. Aside from the loops that print out numbers, you must call all the functions to demonstrate that they work correctly in your code.