All labs and hw are due on Fridays at midnight.
Week 1 - Aug. 21
- Wed
- Read Discuss syllabus; install DataSpell
- Fri
- ReadTM_Ch. 1 - Introduction-ppt
- LabLab1-Intro. Read MG Ch.1 Intro
- Lab due Friday 8/30 at midnight; Complete the installation part before class. Link to upload Lab1.
Week 2 - Aug. 26
- Mo
- Complete Lab1 and TM_Ch. 1 from last class
- Wed
- ReadTM_Ch.2 - Concept learning (Find-S alg.)-pdf
- Activity Class activity
- Fri
- Lab Lab2 - covers MG_Ch.1 pg. 13-23
- Lab2-Intro k-NN due Friday 9/6 at midnight; Complete the installation part before class. Link to upload lab.
Week 3 - Sept. 2
- Mon
- Read TM_Ch. 2 - Concept learning (Candidate elim. alg.)
- Wed
- ReadTM_Ch.3 - Decision trees-pdf
- Activity Class activity
- Activity due Friday 9/13 at midnight; Link to upload activity.
- Fri
- Complete last lecture, and Lab2 if students still need help with it;
- HW Hw 1(5pts)
- Hw due Friday 9/13 at midnight; Link to upload your hw as Word doc.
Week 4 - Sept. 9
- Mon
- Continue with ch3 lecture
- Wed
- Section Complete class activity with dec. trees :Ex. Gain Ratio
- Fri
- Read TM_Ch. 4 - Neural Networks(pdf)
- Activity Activity perceptron
- Activity due Friday 9/20 at midnight; Link to upload activity.
- HW Hw 2(5pts)
- Hw due Friday 9/20 at midnight; Link to upload your hw as Word doc.
Week 5 - Sept. 16
- Mon
- SectionContinue Ch. 4
- Activity Activity perceptron alg.
- Activity due Friday 9/20 at midnight; Link to upload activity.
- Wed
- SectionContinue Ch. 4
- Lab Lab3 - covers part of MG_Ch.2
- Lab3-Dec. Trees due Friday 9/27 at midnight; Link to upload lab.
- Fri
- Proofessor attends conference, no class; work on your own on Lab3 and hw
Week 6 - Sept. 23
- Mon
- Section Continue Ch. 4
- For fun Google’s Quick, Draw!
- Wed
- Review Exam 1 Review: Ch. 2, 3, 4
- Fri
- Exam Exam 1
- HW Hw 3(5pts)
- Hw due Friday 10/4 at midnight; Link to upload your hw.
Week 7 - Sept. 30
- Mon
- Lab Lab4 - perceptron
- Lab4-Perceptron due Friday Oct.4 at midnight; Link to upload lab.
- Wed
- Activity Activity sigmoid unit ex.
- Fri
- Lab Lab5 - NN
- Lab5-NN due Friday Oct.18 at midnight; Link to upload lab.
Week 8 - Oct. 7 - Fall Break
- Mon:
- Break
- No class
- Wed:
- Break
- No class
- Fri:
- Break
- No class
Week 9 - Oct. 14
- Mon
- SectionRestricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM)
- SectionDeep Learning with RBM [Boltzman is 2nd best way to extract features]
- Wed
- SectionDeep Learning and Convolutional NN ppt [convolution is best way to extract features]
- Fri
- SectionGenerative AI and LLMs
- HW Hw 4(5pts)
- Hw due Friday Oct. 25 at midnight; Link to upload your hw.
Week 10 - Oct. 21
- Mon
- SectionSVM vs Perceptron
- Wed
- ReadTM_Ch.6 Bayesian Learning - MAP and ML
- Activity Probab. activity
- Due Friday at midnight; Link to upload activity.
- Fri
- Activity Naive Bayes activity
- Section[Continue Ch. 6 - Bayesian Belief Networks]
Week 11 - Oct. 28
- Mon
- ProjectDiscuss Final Project - link to decription
- LabLab6-Bayesian Belief Networks - OPTIONAL, no points
- Wed
- Section[Continue Ch. 6]
- Activity NB classification of articles
- Fri
- SectionTM_Ch. 8 - Instance-Based Learning (k-means clustering; k-nearest neighbors)
Week 12 - Nov. 4
- Mon
- SectionTM_Ch. 8 - continuation
- Project[Work on final project and creation of teams]
- ProjectTeams pitch a project idea - Link to upload project idea; please sign both student names as confirmation that entire team agrees on the topic - due tonight.
- Wed
- Activity/Hw Activity/hw k-NN (will count as 3pts hw)
- Due Friday at midnight; Link to upload activity.
- SectionTM_Ch. 9 - Genetic Algorithms
- Fri
- ProjectStep 1 due today - Decide on project[Entire team must present idea in class in ~3min or less (“elevator speach”). Be clear, and rehears your brief presentation, you may use 1-2 slides. Note: 2/5 points will be class attendance when project is discussed.]
- SectionTM_Ch. 9 - continuation
Week 13 - Nov. 11
- Mon
- ReviewReview Exam 2: Ch. 6, 8 - clik here to see a topic review
- Wed
- ExamExam 2
- Fri
- ProjectStep 2 due - Show intermediate results
- Project[Work on final project]
Week 14 - Nov. 18
- Mon
- Project[Work on final project]
- SectionTM_Ch. 9 - Genetic Algorithms
- Activity GA Demo GA Roulette
- Wed
- Project[Work on final project]
- LabLab7-Bayesian Belief Networks - Inferences
- Lab is optional, do it on your own time to learn more about BBN
- Fri
- Project[Work on final project]
Week 15 - Nov. 25
- Mon
- ProjectStep 3 due - Complete paper due, upload at this link
- Wed
- Thanksgiving break
- Fri
- Thanksgiving break
Week 16 - Dec. 2
- Mon
- Project[Work on final project]
- ProjectStep 4 due - Presentations
- Wed
- ProjectStep 4 due - Presentations
- Fri
- ProjectStep 4 due - Presentations
- ProjectStep 5 due at midnight - Final submission
- Due at midnight; Link to upload final project
- Classes end Fri, Dec 6.