Loops Exercises

When you clone this assignment you will see 3 C files in which you are to write programs. Each file contains a comment with instructions. Write your code below the comment in each file.

non_negative_integers.c is the easiest one, so start there.


When you are confident your programs work (test them with a few different values!) submit your work by adding, committing, and pushing your changes with git. You can add all 3 files on one line if you want, like this:

$ git add non_negative_integers.c factorial.c powers_of_2.c

You can also add them one at a time:

$ git add non_negative_integers.c
$ git add factorial.c
$ git add powers_of_2.c

Either way, you can then run commit and all of your changes will be committed.

git-keeper will test your code and you will get an email with the results of the tests. If any of your programs do not pass the tests, you may make changes and submit again. To submit again, simply add the file(s) that you changed, commit, and push again.

For full credit all the tests must pass.