
CS 210: Computer Organization

Instructor: Mircea Ionescu, PhD

Room: Taylor 200


Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, 5rd Ed., David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, ISBN-13: 978-0-12-407726-3.

Course Description

This course provides an overview of computer systems design and architecture. Topics include instruction set design, register transfers, data-path design, controller design, memory systems, addressing, microprogramming, computer arithmetic, survey of real computers and microprocessors.


Attendance is mandatory. Please come on time and do not leave class early unless you informed me in advance.

Exams, quizzes & assignments:

  • Attendance and class participation (10%)
    You will be assessed on the following components:
    1. Class participation (attendance, answer and ask questions)
    2. Accountability (be on-time, no e-mail check or off-task during class, come prepared with the reading done, request help when needed)
    3. Integrity (collaborate with others only when authorized, do not copy solutions from colleagues or Internet, do not use material without proper reference)

    Grading:Drop 1 point out of 10 for each missed class

  • Reading quizzes (10%)

    You may bring to class a notebook with about 1-page hand-written notes with the main points of your reading.
    Lowest quiz will be dropped

  • Homework & Labs (30%)
    1. For up to 8h past due date you will get 50% of your grade;
    2. After 8h the submission will not be accepted.

    Lowest homework or lab will be dropped (either homework or lab but not both)

  • Two exams (15% each) (30%)
  • Final project (20%)

    Programming project in teams of two

Tentative class schedule:

Week# Week of Section
1Aug. 19Ch.1 Introduction
2Aug. 26Ch.2 Instructions, Appendix A
3Sept. 2Ch.2 Instructions, Appendix A, Digital design, circuits - Apendix B
4Sept. 9Appendix B - Digital design, circuits
5Sept. 16Ch.3 Arithmetic for computers
6Sept. 23Ch.3 Arithmetic for computers, Exam 1 (Sept 25)
7Sept. 30Ch.3 Arithmetic for computers
8Oct. 7Fall break
9Oct. 14Ch.4 The Processor
10Oct. 21Ch.4 The Processor
11Oct. 28Ch.5 Memory
12Nov. 4Ch.5 Memory
13Nov. 11Ch.6 Parallel Processors
14Nov. 18Ch.6 Parallel Processors, Exam 2 (Nov 20)
15Nov. 25Project reviews
16Dec. 2Project presentations


No make-ups will be given for quizzes. Make-ups will be given for a test only in special situations; try to let me know in advance if you have to miss a test.
Note: If you cheat on a test or quiz, you will probably get an F in the class. Please note that you are expected to read the material in your textbook that corresponds to the material covered in class, even when this reading assignment is not specifically stated each week.

Academic honesty and the code of academic integrity

The academic program at the College seeks to promote the intellectual development of each student and the realization of that individual’s potential for creative thinking, learning, and understanding. In achieving this, each student must learn to use his/her mind rigorously, independently, and imaginatively.

The College’s understanding and expectations in regard to issues of academic honesty are fully articulated in the Code of Academic Integrity as published in The Scot’s Key and form an essential part of the implicit contract between the student and the College. The Code provides a framework at Wooster to help students develop and exhibit honesty in their academic work. You are expected to know and abide by the rules of the institution as described in The Scot’s Keyand the Handbook of Selected College Policies. These policies are available at:

Dishonesty in any of your academic work is a serious breach of the Code of Academic Integrity and is grounds for an “F” for the entire course. Such violations include turning in another person’s work as your own, copying from any source without proper citation, crossing the boundary of what is allowed in a group project, submitting an assignment produced for a course to a second course without the authorization of all the instructors, and lying in connection with your academic work. You will be held responsible for your actions. Particular attention should be directed to the appropriate use of materials available through the Internet. Whether intentional or not, improper use of materials is a violation of academic honesty. If you are unsure as to what is permissible, please contact your course instructor.

Policy regarding conflicts with academic responsibilities

The College of Wooster is an academic institution and its fundamental purpose is to stimulate its students to reach the highest standard of intellectual achievement. As an academic institution with this purpose, the College expects students to give the highest priority to their academic responsibilities. When conflicts arise between academic commitments and complementary programs (including athletic, cultural, educational, and volunteer activities), students, faculty, staff, and administrators all share the responsibility of minimizing and resolving them.

As a student you have the responsibility to inform the faculty member of potential conflicts as soon as you are aware of them, and to discuss and work with the faculty member to identify alternative ways to fulfill your academic commitments without sacrificing the academic integrity and rigor of the course. The full Policy is available at:

Learning center

The Learning Center (ext. 2595) offers services designed to help students improve their overall academic performance. Sessions are structured to promote principles of effective learning and academic management. Any student on campus may schedule sessions at the Learning Center.

The Learning Center also offers a variety of services and accommodations to students with disabilities based on appropriate documentation, nature of disability, and academic need. In order to initiate services, students should meet with Pam Rose, Director of the Learning Center, at the start of the semester to discuss reasonable accommodations. You may contact the Learning Center at ext. 2595 or through email at