CS 100


Scientific Computing

CS 100 Scientific Computing

Section 02 (9:15-10:05am) at Taylor 205 and on Microsoft Teams

Instructor: Dr. Heather Guarnera
Office: Taylor 303
Email: hguarnera@wooster.edu
Office Hours: I am available by appointment on Teams
Zone Intern (ZI): El Yazid Chalabi
Teaching Assistant (TA): Fareeda Abu-Juam

You are encouraged to join zone intern (ZI) and teaching assistant (TA) office hours for either section, depending on your availability.

Here is a weekly view of Microsoft Teams office hours (all times are EST):

Day Office hour times
M Prof. Guarnera by appointment
T Fareeda 5-7pm; Pavithra 7-8pm; Sobika 8-10pm
W Prof. Guarnera by appointment; Yazid 8-9pm
R Pavithra 5-7pm; Yazid 7-9pm; Sobika 8-10pm
F Prof. Guarnera by appointment


The syllabus can be found here.


Python Programming in Context, 2nd Edition, B. N. Miller, D. L. Ranum, Jones & Bartlett Learning (ISBN-13: 978-1-4496-9939-0). This book is available online for free via the library’s O’Reilly Safari Learning Platform (formerly Safari Tech Books) collection.