Individual Presentation Requirements

Presentation skills are an essential skill for academic/industrial professions, and effective communication effects the way we interact with other people. To build these skills, each student will be asked to prepare a presentation over an assigned reading. Audience members will also be expected participate in group discussion on the topic, prepare questions, and perform peer evaluations.

Presenter Expectations

Weekly presenters must submit their presentation the night prior to their presentation (via Moodle). Depending on the amount of discussion, multiple presentations may take place on Tuesday. Presentations must be 15-20 minutes in length. This roughly equates to at least 10-25 slides (depending on the speed of the presentation). As the presenter, you may assume that your audience has read the content prior to your presentation. Your primary goal as the presenter is to provide an overview of key concepts from the reading. DO NOT JUST PUT CONTENT FROM THE BOOK ONTO THE SLIDES. Summarize, use relevant examples/pictures to explain a concept, provide your own thoughts/opinions/insight into the reading, and ask questions of the audience to encourage discussion. Additionally, when audience members have questions, you should be prepared to answer to the best of your ability.

Presentations are expected to have:

Use the above guidelines and the Professor’s Presentation Rubric to help setup your presentation.