Final Project

You have done research, built prototypes, and performed usability testing on your prototypes. It is now time to construct your final project. The final project can be implemented with any programming language/tools you choose, with the stipulation that your project must be able to be built from source by your instructor. Your final project has three main components each with a set of requirements.

Application Requirements

Report Requirements

Collaboration Requirements

I will be using GitHub issues and Git commits as a measure of contribution on the projects. I will not be counting your commits, but instead reviewing the content you have contributed to the assignment with respect to your fellow team members. This means:

These requirements are not to make things harder, but instead to make the project easier by encouraging you to use tools that will ultimately help keep you and your team organized and productive, while encouraging everyone to participate on the project. This workflow also share similarities with industry practice, and will help when you take on a job. Lean into these requirements and you will have a much better time and learn way more on this project.

Final Presentations

Teams will be expected give a 20 minute presentation of their project to the class with an additional 5 minutes for questions and answers. All team members are expected to be present and participate during the presentation. While presentations will take place before the official due date for the final project, it is still expected that the application will be at or very near completion as the other components of the project (such as the reports) will need to be finished.

The final presentation should cover:

Presentation Schedule

Presenters will be the groups named below, not the project

Presentation Day Section 02 Section 01
11/30/22 ArSE / ‘Snot a Problem Batfolio / Microgoo
12/02/22 REM / Treetop TypingWiz / ScotHub
12/05/22 My Curls / We Tried Okay Problem Investigation Solutions and Systems / Potassium
12/07/22 Blue Otter / WooScout Bird Wootchers / CDW
12/09/22 Inevitable Solutions / Well-Planned Entropy Software / Barter Buddies


The following items must be present in the GitHub repository:

Individual reports will all be submitted via Moodle in MS Word format using the provided template.

Grade 75 points (All scores can be adjusted on an individual basis with respsect to contribution)