Exercise 01: Hello, CS102!

This exercise is designed to introduce you to:


  1. Complete the course setup instructions before you proceed
  2. Choose a location on your computer where you would like to save content for this course and create a folder named cs102
  3. In your cs102 folder, create a folder named ex01 for this assignment


For this first exercise, we will run our first Python program.

  1. Download the demo code
  2. Extract the code file hello.py from the zip file to your ex01 folder
    • MacOS - Double click the zip and move the file using Finder
    • Windows - Double click the zip, and drag the file using Explorer
  3. Open Thonny
  4. Use the folder icon in Thonny to open hello.py
  5. Click the run (play) button in Thonny to run the code
  6. Take a screenshot of the result from running the code

Congratulations, you have just run your first program!


  1. Copy the screenshot to your ex01 assignemnt folder
  2. Right click your assignment folder and choose “compress” on MacOS or “Compress to ZIP file” on Windows.
  3. Upload the zip file to the matching Moodle assignment to submit your work.


You will earn up to 1 point for this exercise, broken down as follows: